Thursday, August 23, 2007

New place to live, or favor with our current landlord

Well “finding a new place to live” might not sound like it requires much prayer, but my Dutch room mate and I need either favor with the group that owns our apartment or the favor of God and man finding a new place to live.

We already live where we do by a miracle, and have been told repeatedly it’s impossible to find something this cheap in Rotterdam, and that we’ve been lucky. As a student Joel could find somewhere else to live real easily, but to find an apartment or house in this city, takes time and the waiting list is long. We have to be out of here by November, and that is NOT typically enough time to find our way to the top of a waiting list for an apartment in the city. I know people who it’s taken a year to get an apartment. The fact neither one of us has good “income” (he is now a student), and the fact we’re not a family or married couple makes it really slim chance we’ll be considered ahead of someone who meets the criteria. So tonight, we will already have spoken to the one who decides, and since our apartment is supposed to be temporary for those people off the streets or some kind of transition in their lives, and basically us staying here for the remainder of our year on the lease really doesn’t help our case for being able to stay another year or anything.

We need favor, so please pray because I have enough to do with my responsibilities and Joel with starting school again that we don’t have the time to really search and search for somewhere to live, and the dumpiest apartments are easily twice what we pay now, so we need a breakthrough.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

prayers needed for a friend

hello out there. i have a friend who desperately needs your prayers. he is falling...well more like running away from God because he is affraid it is jsut too hard. he thinks running is easier. so pray for him to come back to God. he has amazing potential. pray also for me for strength and courage, wisdom and patience, comfort and contentment. we are desperate for your prayers, so please remember us when you pray.


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