Youth Worker Winkie Pratney's Health Improving—although More Surgery is Needed
"Winkie's condition is stabilizing...thank you everybody for your prayers, they really are making a difference."
Michael Ireland/AH (April 6th, 2007)
Youth speaker Winkie Pratney's condition at a hospital in South Korea is improving, according to Shane Anderson, who is updating Pratney's web-blog.
However, another surgery is needed to remove fluid surrounding his lungs. Winkie's son, William Pratney, wrote an update on his father's condition, on the ministry's blog.
Dad is undergoing another surgery today: he will have the fluid drained out which they found was surrounding his lungs (not actually in his lungs). They will insert two tubes to drain the fluid out. Complications can include a hemotoma (blood clot). And Dave, I don't have to tell you, we don't need any complications right now. Dr. Lim says, if there's one more complication, he doesn't have a great chance of survival. Please ask everyone to keep praying. He is in another drug-induced coma at the moment, with a fever and high heart rate. Mom, Trevor and I met with Dr. Lim and Dr. Han (the doctor that performed the transverse colon operation).
The veteran youth worker's condition improved quite a bit, in the last couple days, according to an ANS article yesterday, which included an update by Shane Anderson that read...
"Winkie's condition is stabilizing: his kidney and his liver are beginning to function normally. He's still on the dialysis machine (and) they still want to give him a little bit of help there. And so thank you everybody for your prayers, they really are making a difference."
Anderson said Winkie, "was in a very bad place twenty-four hours ago—today (Thursday) his chances are much, much improved. And I really think that we have the prayers of God's people crying out to the throne for that. Thank you."
Anderson reportedly told his radio audience that as he was praying with his wife last night, "I thought there's tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, perhaps even into the millions of people praying (and that's) the wonderful thing with the internet is that people all over the world have been praying for Winkie."
Anderson said that his e-mail box "is literally flooded with pastors from all over the globe saying that they had called their churches to pray."
"Some of the large massive churches in South Korea are even calling entire churches to pray. It's just a sign of how much of a servant Winkie has been to The Lord's Church for so long," he said.
Shane Anderson, who is maintaining the updates on Winkie, had this to say in closing:
Winkie needs our prayers like never before. There has been improvement, yes, but there's still more surgery required, and he's still in a critical condition. I am sure though that you can feel this rising-up of faith stirring your spirit to intercede. Keep praying. Fast if you are able. We love you and thank you for your devotion and your prayers.